myRoupeiro 〜 soccer match data logger and analyzer 〜 ver.2 How to use




*This article is a work in progress.

What is myRoupeiro?

“myRoupeiro” is a free app for supporting your video analysis of soccer matches.

  • Recording who, when, where and how was involved in the event from the video of the match and visualize the match results
  • Visualize various events such as shoots and passes in the game
  • Visualized results can be viewed interactively
  • The analysis results are saved in html files so you can view those on other devices or share them with your teammates
  • The data is saved in the csv file and xml file, so you can separately process those as you like and use those
  • You can record the data in detail, or you can roughly record only what you care about
  • Also supports a half-size court, can be used for analysis of youth soccer
  • Completely free app

This program was originally created by the operator of this site (me) to support video analysis of our team’s matches. myRoupeiro is an application version that anyone can use. (android app only)

myRoupeiro – soccer analyzer
Get it on Google Play

Roupeiro (Portuguese) is an important behind-the-scenes support for a soccer team, meaning a soccer team’s equipment clerk.

After that, named the app as myRoupeiro, hoping that it would be a useful tool to support your team.

We hope you can use the data analyzed by myRoupeiro for your daily practice and the next game etc.

It’s like this

Visualize the events during the match

  • Shots
  • Goals
  • Passes
  • Freekicks etc.

Take a look at the team data

  • Stats table
  • Team event data
  • Pass matrix

analyze individual data

  • Individual event data
  • Pass direction, distance, ratio of success / failure
  • Heat map
  • Event map

Follow the events during the match in chronological order


Data entry

record various events/results during the game with taps


  • video player available (ver.2.0.0 -)
  • myRoupeiro is an application for recording and analyzing by paying attention to the player who played near the ball within the range that could be shot with a video camera.
    Therefore, it is not compatible with analysis such as the movement of the ball itself, the off-the-ball movement of players, and tracking data throughout the game.
  • a device with a large screen size, such as a tablet is recommended

How to use

<Data recording>

Record who, when, where and how was involved in the ball (we will call it an “event” here).

Launch and exit the app

LaunchJust like launching a normal app, tap the icon to launch myRoupeiro
exitJust like exiting a normal app, tap the Android task button (□) to display the multitask screen, and swipe up myRoupeiro to exit.

Note: While myRoupeiro does not have a full auto-save feature, we have implemented a semi-auto-save function that saves data every time event data is added. By using this, you can save your data frequently.

Screen description

Home screen

When you start the app, the home screen will be displayed.

Create New dataCreate new data.
Go to the Match Information screen.
Continue with existing dataLoad existing data files (.csv and .xml) to continue recording data.
Review analyzed dataLoad the created analysis data files (.html) to view the data.
manualGo to the manual page (external page = this page)
licenseshow the license
privacy policyGo to the privacy policy page (external page = another page of this blog)
Palette iconChange the app’s base color

・Match information screen

Enter match information.

Also, load the match video file when you use the video player.

Match Title HereEnter the match name. The entered match name will be added to the file name of the data file and analysis file.
*If no input is provided, “untitled_match_data” will be added to the file name.
Team NameEnter your team name and the opponent team name.
*If no input is provided, “my team” or “opp team” will be displayed.
③④Kickoff Date and TimeSelect the kickoff date and time from the respective icons.
*It can be used even if no input is provided.。
Pitch sizeSelect the pitch size from either normal size (68m x 105m) or half size (50m x 68m).
*If no selection is made, it will be considered normal size.
Video PlayerIf you want to use the video player, turn the button ON and select a video file.

・Event Logger screen

We can enter event data here. (The screen shows what it looks like when the video is not playing.)


Menu bar

≡ (Menu)Open the menu for entering team information, etc.
saveSave the data.
analysisAnalyze the data and generate an analysis data file.
Remove adsBy completing the viewing of a short video advertisement, you can hide all ads for a certain period of time.
homeReturn to the home screen upon starting myRoupeiro.


Edit Match InfoOpen the match information screen.
Edit My Team memberOpen the input screen for my team members’ information.
Edit Opp Team memberOpen the input screen for the opponent team’s members’ information.
Remove adsBy completing the viewing of a short video advertisement, you can hide all ads for a certain period of time (same as the Remove ads icon in the menu bar).
Auto save ?Turn on the auto-save (semi-auto) feature.
*It will save the data each time event data is added.
versionapp version

・Input screen for team members’ information

This is the screen for setting player jersey numbers, player names, and positions (the screen is for your team).

You can set up to 24 members.

NumberJersey Number
NamePlayer Name
PositionPosition (Select the position from the dropdown)

・If no input is provided, the originally displayed numbers and names will be used.
・Inputting the player’s position is optional (it will not affect data analysis).

Video time input ・ First half / second half selection ・ Kickoff time input

Video Time・Enter the displaied time (hours, minutes, seconds) of the video in which the event you want to record occurred
*The up arrow to move forward one by one, the down arrow to go back one by one
1st period
/ 2nd period
Select the first half period or the second half period
(otherwise it is considered to be the first half)

Note: Since myRoupeiro assumes that we will record while watching the video, it is assumed that we use “video time”.

・If you are using the video player


You can tap the video player screen to play/pause. Double-tapping the left/right side of the playback screen allows you to move the playback point by 10 seconds (when playing) or 1 second (when paused).

You can configure the settings to reflect the video player time in the video time input box.

Sync VIDEO TIME with Video playerWhen turned on, the video player time will be reflected in the VIDEO TIME display.
Time OffsetAdd any time to the video player time to adjust the VIDEO TIME display.


Team NameDisplays your team name/opponent team name.
*Settings are done in the match information screen.
ScoreEnter the scores for your team/opponent team.
*The final result is sufficient.
change endsSwitch the ends (territories) of both teams.
clear dotsDeselect players and erase points drawn at the locations involved in the events.
選手リストDisplays the player lists for your team/opponent team.
*Settings are done in the respective team members’ information input screens.
*Select players involved in the events from here.
*”dest” is used to record the destination of the ball when there was no receiver.
Play AreaAn area that specifies where players were involved in the events on the pitch.

Before event

The state of the ball before the event


ball holder; ball holder before the event

allymy team players
oppopponent team players
loose ballLoose ball / no ball holder
drop balldrop ball
NoneNot applicable

ball state; Ball height condition

lowball in the air from pitch to head
highball in the air above the head


Event selection tab; type of event (9 types)

PASSEvents related to the passes
SHOTEbents related to the Shots
RECOVERYEvents related to ball recovery and clearance, etc.
FAULT RECEIVEDevents related to received fouls
SET PIECESet pieces, throw-ins, kick-offs, etc.
BALL OUTEvents which led to out of play
CHALLENGEChallenging plays such as pressing, tackles, duels and dribbles
CARRYDribbles (just for carrying the ball), traps or ball-keepings

Event content selection button; Buttons for selecting event contents

attemptSubcategory of event types (what was attempt to)
result1Success and failure (good / bad failure)
result2Content of the result (if applicable)
pressure state on the event
body partsBody parts involved in
Direct/IndirectDirect play or not
ball state afterBall height after the event
next playNext play after the event
next holderNext ball holder after the event

Other buttons / areas

add event buttonAdd the event data to the data table
Back-to-top buttonClear the player selections and event points then move to the top of the screen.
*Right after an event is recorded, the selection of players and the specification of the event occurrence location will also be cleared.
Notification areaMessage display area
Stretch tableExpands and displays the data table.
Edit rowEdit the data rows with checked checkboxes.
Ascend/Descend orderSorts the event data based on time in ascending/descending order.
Delete rowDeletes the data rows with checked checkboxes.
Data tableTable for added events

Note; You can see the data content in a popup by long-tapping the data row

How to record events

record with taps who, when, where and how was involved in the event from the video of the match

*If you tap again on the selected button, the selection will be canceled.

1Enter the title, team name, kickoff time, pitch size, etc., in the match information screen.
If you are using the video player, select the match video file (if the file size is large, it may take a few minutes to import).
2Enter player information in the team members’ information input screen.
3While watching the match video, enter the time when events occurred in Video Time.
*If Sync VIDEO TIME with Video Player is turned on, the video player time will be reflected in Video Time.
4Select the first half/second half.
5Select the players involved in the event and tap the location where the event occurred. If there is a receiver for the ball (e.g., a pass), select the receiving player and tap the location where the ball was received. If there is no receiver (e.g., if a pass was unsuccessful), select “dest” instead of a player and tap the location where the ball went.
*The input for the passer always comes first, and the input for the receiver comes afterward.
*You can reset the selection of players and the specification of the event occurrence location using clear dots.
6From Before Event, select the ball holder and the state of the ball height before the event.
7From the event selection tab, choose the type of event.
8Select the content of each event from attempt to next holder.
*If there are no applicable items, leave them as they are.
9Press the add event button to add the event data to the data table.
10Repeat steps 3 to 9.
*The selection of results can be made in any order.

If the events occuered at the same time, for example, if an interception event of the opponent’s ball led to a pass event immidiatey, it is better to treat and record those separately for two events, “recovery / intercept” and “pass”, respectively.

correction of event data

1In the data table, check the checkbox for the event data row you want to edit and press the Edit Row button.
The display of the add event button will change from “+” to “✔️”.
2Once you have finished editing the event data, press the add event button displaying “✔️” to complete the editing.

Note; If you long-tap a row of the data table, you can see the content of that row in a popup. To turn off the pop-up, tap anywhere on the screen.

Deletion of event data

1In the data table, tap the checkbox for the event data row you want to delete to check it.
2Delete the row using the Delete Row button.

Note: Deleted data rows cannot be undone, so please proceed with caution.

Save data

Save the data.

1Tap the save button in the menu bar.
2Specify the file name and save it.
3.xml and .csv files will be generated.

data files are

.xml filethis file stores match information and player information
.csv filethis file stores event data

・Saving your data frequently is recommended.
・The data is saved in the “Download” folder.

Import data

Import data files (.xml file, .csv file) generated by myRoupeiro

1On the home screen, tap Continue with existing data.
2Select the .xml and .csv files you want to load and tap the Import button to import them.
*On Android, you can long-press a file in the file selection screen to select multiple files.
*You can also import files one at a time.

<Data analysis>

Run analysis

Tap the analysis button in the menu bar at the top of the screen to start the analysis, and when the analysis is complete, you will move to the Match Results screen.


Match Results screen

From this screen, you can show the results of each analysis.

Event DataEvent data analysis result
Team DataTeam data analysis results
Individual DataIndividual data analysis results
Time Series of EventsTime series of the events with positions where the event occurred
return to homeReturn to the home screen (the screen displayed when the app is launched).

・Analysis results are saved in html files (data are saved in the “Downloads” folder), so you can check them on other devices with a browser and share them with your team.

<Event Data>

*Freekicks result example
Data namedescription
GoalsEvents directly linked to the goal
CornersCorner kicks and the next events
FreekicksFree kicks and next events
ChallengesPress (including loose ones), duels, tackles and challenging dribbles
RecoveriesPass interceptions, ball recoveries, etc.
Turnoversswitching between offense and defense
For example, a pass was intercepted and the offense and defense changed, and so on
Shot AssistsEvent that assisted shots
AssistsEvent that assisted goals
PassesPositions of successful passers and receivers.
The arrow indicates the direction of movement of the ball
Passerspassers positions of successful passes
Receiversreceivers positions of successful passes


You can see the details in a popup when you mouse over the marker.
Example; Shots

rowexpression in pop-updescription
1(-23.32, -2.04)X-coordinate and y-coordinate with the center mark as the origin (0, 0) (approximate x-axis distance and y-axis distance (meters) from the origin)
2Time 52ʼ25”Video display time (does not match the elapsed time of the match)
3sane (no.10 Byern)Player name (number team name)
4oneselfBall holder before the event
5grounderBall height before the event
6SHOTEvent type
7SuccessSuccess or failure of the event (result1)
8GOALEvent result (result2)
9loose pressPressure status received at the time of the event (Other examples; yourself_on_partner)
10foot LPart played
11INDIRECTWhether it is direct play
12ON TARGETWhether it flew to the frame
13longThe flight distance of the ball after the event. long is about 30m above
14highBall height after the event (high; above the head)
15KICK OFFNext play after the event (if goal event, next play is kick off)

<Team Data>

Stats table

*Barcelona’s data were only recorded the essential events, so the pass numbers and success rates are different from actual.
BALL POSSESSIONBall retention rate (%)
*estimated from my team’s ball retention time
SHOTS(On target)Number of shots
*Including attempt of shots not touching the ball (result2; close to touch)
*Number of shots on target in parentheses
PASSES(Success)Number of successful passes. Success rate (%) in parentheses
The number of duel wins that are not aerial. Win rate (%) in parentheses
The number of duel wins in aerial. Win rate (%) in parentheses
CORNERSNumber of corner kicks
PENALTIESNumber of penalty kicks
CARDSNumber of cards issued

Tree Map

Tree map summarizes all the events.

  • There, the results sorted by event type are nested.
  • In addition, individual results are nested within each event.
  • The larger the area, the higher the number of events counted.
  • You can see t
    • Other breakdowns
      • Success / Good Failure / Bad Failure
      • Pressure condition (free / loose press / 1 on 1 / 1 on many / many on 1)
      • Body parts
      • Direct play/Indirect play
      • Ball direction
      • Ball distance (short / middle / long) etc.
        *You can also see the number of times the event was counted.
        *Please ignore “None”

Pass Matrix

A matrix table showing the passers and receivers of successful passes


*Vertical axis; passers / Horizontal axis; receivers

*The intensity of red is proportional to the number of passes

<Individual Data>

Individual data analysis results

Event tree mapEvents involving individuals and their breakdown
*You can see the details by tapping
Pass direction/distanceBreakdown of all passes
・number of passes
・success / failure ratio in that direction
*Regardless of the direction of the player’s body, the opponent’s goal line side is always on the top and the own goal line side is on the bottom
*From the inside of the circle
・ Short pass (approximately up to about 15m)
・ Middle pass (approximately from 15m to 30m)
・ Long pass (approximately 30m over)
*Color intensities are proportional to the number of passes
Heat mapPlayer’s positon and how many times involved in events
*The first half data and the second half data are shown so that the attack directions are the same.
Event mapPosition of event and type
*The first half data and the second half data are shown so that the attack directions are the same.
*You can turn points on / off by clicking the legend below.

<Time Series of Events>

You can check the events in chronological order along with the position of the event with animation.

The colors of the dots indicate the ball holder just before the event (based on the ball holder selected on the Before event).

●; my team’s ball

●; loose ball

●; opponent team’s ball

<Event definition / description>

*You can reinterpret and redefine these to make it easier to use according to your situation.

PASS; passes

Major classificationdescription
normalnomal passed
THROUGH BALLthrough ball
DEEP BALLHighball aimed at the back of the defense
Kick(GK)Passes by GK kick after catching the ball
Throw(GK)Passes by GK throw after catching the ball
VOLUNTARYReturned the ball Intentionally to the opposite team
OFFSIDEBe offside
CLEARANCEbe cleared
Loose ballLed to a loose ball
SAVEDSaved or caught the ball by the keeper
Mistake(opp)The quality of the pass was low, but it worked for some reason due to the mistake of the other party
Pass to oppsPassed to the opponent team
Aiming spaceFeed the ball as aiming a space
miskickMiskick / pass miss
OUTLed to out of play
INTERCEPTIONBe intercepted
REFEREE HITHit the referee

SHOT; shots

Major classificationDescription
SAVEDSaved or caught by a goalkeeper
WOODWORKHit the goal frame
OUTOut of the frame and goes to out of play
Close to touchNot able to touch the ball to shot (counted as a shot here)
REFEREE HITHit the referee
ON TARGETShot on goal
OFF TARGETShot out of goal

Recovery; Ball recofery

Major classificationDescription
Ball recoveryLoose ball / second ball recovery or intentional play
BLOCKEDBlocked shot / cross
Course blockProtect the ball by blocking the opponent’s direction
Catch(GK)GK caught the ball (when own team was defensive)
REFEREE HITHit the referee

FAULT RECEIVED; Received faults

Major classificationDescription
Get FKGot a free kick
ADVANTAGEAdvantage applied
PENALTYGot a penalty kick

BALL OUT; led to out of play

Major classificationDescription
CLEARANCECleared and made it out of play
VOLUNTARYmade it out of play Intentionally to stop play
FORCEDStop play by referee
END HALFEnd of first half / second half period
REFEREE HITHit the referee
MistouchFailed ball control and led to out of play
HAND BALLHand ball

SET PIECE; Set pieces

Major classificationDescription
GOAL KICKGoal kicks
FREE KICKFree kicks
FREE KICK SHOTFree kicks with intention to shot
CORNER KICKCorner kicks
THROW INThrow-in
KICK OFFkick offs
RETAKENRetaken a set piece
SAVEDSaved or caught by a goalkeeper
WOODWORKHit the frame
OUTOut of play as it is outside the frame
Aiming spaceFeed the ball as aiming a space
Own goalScored with own goal
ON TARGETShot on goal
OFF TARGETShot out of goal

CHALLENGE; Challenging plays

Major classificationDescription
pressingPressing (can be any kind of presses)
TACKLETackle s
DRIBBLEDribble (challenging)
GROUNDGround duels
AERIALAerial duels
ADVANTAGEApplied advantage
PENALTYGive a penalty kick
THEFTStolen the ball
WONWon a dual
LOSTLost a duel

Just for reference;
We record as “Success” for pressing with a noticeable good effect, “Bad failure” for pressing with a noticeable adverse effect, and “Good failure” for others.

CARRY; Carry/controll the ball

Major classificationDescription
DRIBBLEDribble(not challenging, just carrying)
TrapTrap the ball
keepKeep the ball
Ball outLed to out of play
THEFTStolen the ball
Loose ballLed to a loose ball


Event resultSuccessevent successful
Bad Failureunsuccessful due to “no good” play or poor quality
Good FailureIntentional and relatively good quality but unsuccessful
Pressure conditionFreeFree
Loose pressLoose pressure
1_on_1One-on-one or similar stuation
1_on_manyOne-on-many or similar situation
many_on_1Many-on-one or similar stuation
Opp_freeLet your opponent play for free (when your team is on the defensive side)
Body partsFoot R/Foot L/foot eitherRight foot / left foot / both or unknown
both handsBoth hands
hand RRight hand
hand LLeft hand
Direct playDIRECT/INDIRECTDirect/indirect play
Distanceshort/middle/long〜15m/15〜30m/30m〜 (approximately)
Ball heightgrounder/low/highGrounder / ground to head / above head
Next playinplayinplay
THROW INthrow in
GOAL KICKgoal kick
CORNER KICKcorner kick
FREE KICKfree kick
drop balldrop ball
PENALTYPenalty kick
KICK OFFkick off (as the next play after the goal)
lost scorelost srore
Next ball holdermy ball/opp ballmy team’s ball/opponent team’s ball
loose ballloose ball (i.e. no body)
Ball condition before the eventgrounder/low/highGrounder / ground to head / above head
ball holder before the event
allymy team
oppopponent team
loose ballloose ball
drop balldrop ball